Photo Archives of the years: 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 Portraits
Photos 1891
First photos of Lilienthal`s flight attempts were taken at Derwitz near Potsdam. Eyewitnesses of the flights: the miller Hermann Schwach und Lilienthal's helper
Hugo Eulitz Derwitz 1891 photographer: Carl Kassner photo-no: OLM F0019LF 112*75 mm albumen |
Derwitz 1891 photographer [Carl Kassner] archives Seifert OLM F0940 |
Derwitz 1891 photographer Carl Kassner photo-no: OLM F0070LF 149*198 mm collodion on cardboard and albumen |
piloting by moving the weight of the legs Derwitz 1891 photographer [Carl Kassner] photo-no: OLM F0812LF 55*88 mm albumen on cardboard |
windmill of Herman Schwach in Derwitz (near Potsdam). Schwach
was eyewitness and helper of the first flight attempts. [Derwitz 1891] photographer: [Carl Kassner] photo-no: OLM 0848LP 102*76 mm albumen on cardboard |
Eulitz, Lilienthal in his "pilot dress" and Schwach Derwitz 1891 photographer: [Carl Kassner] photo-no: OLM F0827LF 43*60 mm albumen on cardboard |
Derwitz, Sept. 27, 1891 photographer Carl Kassner photo-no: OLM F0069LF 55*88 mm albumen on cardboard |
Derwitz, Sept. 27, 1891 photographer [Carl Kassner] photo-no: OLM F0826LF 56*86 mm albumen on cardboard |
Derwitz 1891 photographer [Carl Kassner] photo-no: OLM F0813LF 42*59 mm albumen on cardboard |
flight attempt of an unknown person [Carl Kassner?] Derwitz 1891 photographer [Hugo Eulitz?] Bild-Nr.: OLM F0844LF 43*60 mm albumen |
A second photo serial was taken on a sunday visit in Derwitz. It shows the family of the miller Schwach, Lilienthal with his family,
Hugo Eulitz and a lady from Berlin. Derwitz, Sept. 27, 1891 photographer: [Hugo Eulitz] photo-no: Deutsches Museum BN 03556 |
Derwitz, Sept. 27, 1891 photographer Carl Kassner phot-no: OLM F0068LF 55*85 mm albumen on cardboard |
Derwitz, Sept. 27, 1891. photographer [Carl Kassner] photo-no: OLM F0811LF 55*97 mm albumen |
Derwitz, Sept. 27, 1891 photograph Carl Kassner photo-no: OLM F0802LF 56*87 mm albumen on cardboard |
Derwitz, Sept. 27, 1891 photographer Carl Kassner Bild-Nr.: OLM F0803LF 40*57 mm Albumin on cardboard |
flight attempt of Hugo Eulitz, Lilienthal
in the background Derwitz 1891 photographer Carl Kassner photo-no: OLM F0071LF 56*87 mm albumen |
Derwitz 1891 photographer Carl Kassner photo-no: OLM F0067LF 85*55 mm albumen on cardboard |
Derwitz 1891 photographer Carl Kassner photo-no: OLM F0066LF 77*105 mm albumen on cardboard |
Photo Archives of the years: 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 Portraits